
Type Of Flowers in Shape Season and Biological Name

There are so many type of flowers in the world. Many of them are planted in garden or growing wildlife on forest, bush and anywhere else. They are deliberately planted like gardening activities just for decorating living houses. Beside gardening, florist flowers always use flowers for business by selling them in bouquet or in pieces. Weddings are the most common events using flowers arrangement in bouquet, decoration and anything else.

Each flower has their unique shape, smell, color and flowering time, than people try to classified it to some classification or name. The kind of flowers can be differentiated into some groups based on different type of flowers. The groups can be based on biological shape like corolla, calyx. Some people group the flowers based on flowering season  like summer, fall, spring, winter. But in market or in daily basis, many people know the flower according its market name or popular name.

Some popular flowers name well known by people :

There are others flower in the word in daily uses for many occasions.


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